
We’ve delivered technical training in various formats to a wide range of industries. Sharing our experience of systematic evaluation and numerical analysis of complex & critical process applications is an invaluable learning outcome and we can tailor our delivery to suit specific corporate or industry practices and terminology.

Quantitative BowTie Risk Assessment using LOPA

Our significant knowledge of BowTieXP using the enhanced functionality of LOPA and the powerful calculation & customisation benefits of BowTieXL allows us to offer proficient online and in-house training & coaching:

This online course will be interactive and delivered in English – click here for an event summary.

Course pre-requisites:

Attendees should have completed the BowTieXP course or should be familiar with the use of the BowTieXP software before taking this LOPA & BowTieXL course. As the course is an enhancement to conventional bowtie principles & BowTieXP functionality – we request (but do not require – you attend on the basis that the basics will not be covered) either a current BowTieXP licence or previous experience.

We schedule online courses at convenient times for different regions, however participants from all locations are welcome to attend.

North America
South America

Please contact us for details of our BowTieXP training portfolio.

IChemE Bowtie Analysis & Barrier-Based Risk Management

IChemE Bowtie training (click for details)

We are proud to have developed and will be delivering the IChemE Bowtie Analysis and Barrier-Based Risk Management training course which is available online.

For details of our bespoke training and/or individual or group coaching, please contact us