November, 2021

This is a repeating event

202117NovAll DayIRELAND ALLOYS TOXIC RELEASE 2014Ireland Alloys, Blantyre (GB)Lessons:Commitment & Culture,Competency,Compliance with Standards,Contractor Management,Control of Work,Operating Procedures,Operational Integrity,Operational Readiness,Risk AssessmentIndustry:Waste TreatmentCountry:United KingdomLanguage:ENLoC:Deterioration Origin: MKOPSC Incident:Gas/vapour/mist/etc release to airImpact:HUMAN (On Site Injuries)Effects:< 100 Injuries


Chemical leak at a metal recycling plant. Firefighters sealed the valve and dispersed the vapor cloud. Two workers were treated at the scene as a precautionary measure

Source: A web-based collection and analysis of process safety incidents (
Image Credit: BBC


MKOPSCMary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center